API Docs for: 0.8.0

File: controllers/api/base_api_controller.js

    Copyright (C) 2015  PencilBlue, LLC

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

module.exports = function(pb) {

    //PB dependencies
    var util = pb.util;
    var BaseObjectService = pb.BaseObjectService;

     * @class BaseApiController
     * @constructor
    function BaseApiController(){}
    util.inherits(BaseApiController, pb.BaseController);

     * Indicates if a field should be part of the projection
     * @static
     * @readonly
     * @property FIELD_ON
     * @type {String}
    BaseApiController.FIELD_ON = '1';

     * Indicates if a field should be part of the projection
     * @static
     * @readonly
     * @property FIELD_OFF
     * @type {String}
    BaseApiController.FIELD_OFF = '0';

     * The delimiter used when multiple values are provided for a single query
     * parameter
     * @static
     * @readonly
     * @property MULTI_DELIMITER
     * @type {String}
    BaseApiController.MULTI_DELIMITER = ',';

     * Retrieves a resource by ID where :id is a path parameter
     * @method get
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseApiController.prototype.get = function(cb) {
        this.service.get(this.pathVars.id, this.processQuery(), this.handleGet(cb));

     * Retrieves one or more resources from a collection.  The endpoint
     * supports the following query string parameters:
     * <ul>
     * <li>$select - A comma separated list of key/value pairs where a value
     * of 1 indicates the field will be returned and 0 indicates the
     * absensence.  $select=_id=1,name=1,description=0</li>
     * <li>$order - A comma separated list of key/value pairs where a value of
     * 1 indicates ascending a value of 0 or less indicates descending.
     * $order=name=1,created_date=0</li>
     * <li>$limit - An integer representing the maximum number of results to
     * return</li>
     * <li>$offset - An integer representing the number of items to skip before
     * returning results</li>
     * <li>$where - Currently not supported</li>
     * </ul>
     * @method getAll
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseApiController.prototype.getAll = function(cb) {
        var options = this.processQuery();
        this.service.getAllWithCount(options, this.handleGet(cb));

     * Prcoess the query string and builds the options for passing to the
     * object service
     * @method processQuery
     * @return {Object} The options representing the query
    BaseApiController.prototype.processQuery = function() {
        var q = this.query;

        //get limit & offset
        var limit = parseInt(q.$limit);
        if (isNaN(limit)) {
            limit = null;
        var offset = parseInt(q.$offset);
        if (isNaN(offset)) {
            offset = null;

        //process select
        var selectResult = this.processSelect(q.$select);

        //process the order
        var orderResult = this.processOrder(q.$order);

        //process where
        var whereResult = this.processWhere(q);

        //when failures occur combine them into a one big error and throw it to
        //stop execution
        var failures = selectResult.failures.concat(orderResult.failures).concat(whereResult.failures);
        if (failures.length > 0) {
            throw pb.BaseObjectService.validationError(failures);

        return {
            select: selectResult.select,
            where: whereResult.where,
            order: orderResult.order,
            limit: limit,
            offset: offset

     * Processes the query string to develop the where clause for the query request
     * @method processWhere
     * @param {Object} q The hash of all query parameters from the request
     * @return {Object}
    BaseApiController.prototype.processWhere = function(q) {
        var where = null;
        var failures = [];

        //TODO provide a default implementation
        return {
            where: where,
            failures: failures

     * Processes the value of a $order query string variable
     * @method processOrder
     * @param {String} rawOrder
     * @return {Object} Contains the order statement and an array of failures
    BaseApiController.prototype.processOrder = function(rawOrder) {
        var order = null;
        var failures = [];

        if (pb.ValidationService.isNonEmptyStr(rawOrder, true)) {

            order = [];
            var orderPieces = rawOrder.split(',');
            orderPieces.forEach(function(rawStatement) {

                var statement = rawStatement.split('=');
                if (statement.length === 2 &&
                    pb.ValidationService.isNonEmptyStr(statement[0], true) &&
                    pb.ValidationService.isInt(statement[1], true)) {

                    order.push( [ statement[0], parseInt(statement[1]) > 0 ? pb.DAO.ASC : pb.DAO.DESC ] );
                else {

                    var msg = util.format('An invalid order statement was provided: %s=%s', statement[0], statement[1]);
                    failures.push(pb.BaseObjectService.validationFailure('$order', msg));

        return {
            order: order,
            failures: failures

     * Processes the value of a $select query string variable
     * @method processSelect
     * @param {String} rawSelect
     * @return {Object} Contains the select statement and an array of failures
    BaseApiController.prototype.processSelect = function(rawSelect) {
        var select = null;
        var failures = [];

        if (pb.ValidationService.isNonEmptyStr(rawSelect, true)) {

            select = {};
            var selectPieces = rawSelect.split(',');
            selectPieces.forEach(function(rawStatement) {

                var statement = rawStatement.split('=');
                if (statement.length === 2 &&
                    pb.ValidationService.isNonEmptyStr(statement[0], true) &&
                    (statement[1] === BaseApiController.FIELD_ON || statement[1] === BaseApiController.FIELD_OFF)) {

                    select[statement[0]] = parseInt(statement[1]);
                else {

                    var msg = util.format('An invalid select statement was provided: %s=%s', statement[0], statement[1]);
                    failures.push(pb.BaseObjectService.validationFailure('$select', msg));

        return {
            select: select,
            failures: failures

     * Creates a resource
     * @method post
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseApiController.prototype.post = function(cb) {
        var dto = this.getPostDto();
        this.service.add(dto, this.handleSave(cb, true));

     * Retrieves the request DTO.  The function ensures that the id field is
     * removed.
     * @method getPostDto
     * @return {Object}
    BaseApiController.prototype.getPostDto = function() {
        var dto = this.body || {};
        delete dto[pb.DAO.getIdField()];
        return dto;

     * Updates a resource with the ID specified in the body of the request.
     * @method put
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseApiController.prototype.put = function(cb) {
        var dto = this.body || {};
        this.service.update(dto, this.handleGet(cb, false));

     * Deletes the resource with the specified ID from the URI path ":id".
     * @method delete
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseApiController.prototype.delete = function(cb) {
        var id = this.pathVars.id;
        this.service.deleteById(id, this.handleDelete(cb));

     * Creates a handler that can be used to prepare a response for GET
     * operations.  When the result is NULL a 404 is generated.  Otherwise a 200
     * response along with the object serialized as JSON is the generated
     * response
     * @method handleDelete
     * @param {Function} cb
     * @return {Function} That can prepare a response and execute the callback
    BaseApiController.prototype.handleGet = function(cb) {
        var self = this;
        return function(err, obj) {
            if (util.isError(err)) {
                return cb(err);
            else if (util.isNullOrUndefined(obj)) {
                return self.notFound(cb);

                content: obj

     * Creates a handler that can be used to prepare a response for POST or PUT
     * operations. Upon successful create a 201 status code is returned. Upon
     * successful update a 200 status code is returned.  Validation errors are
     * expected to be handled by the global error handler and should return 400
     * @method handleSave
     * @param {Function} cb
     * @return {Function} That can prepare a response and execute the callback
    BaseApiController.prototype.handleSave = function(cb, isCreate) {
        return function(err, obj) {
            if (util.isError(err)) {
                return cb(err);

                content: obj,
                code: isCreate ? 201: 200

     * Creates a handler that can be used to prepare a response for DELETE
     * operations. When the item cannot be found a 404 is issued.  When the
     * object is successfully delete a 204 status is provided
     * @method handleDelete
     * @param {Function} cb
     * @return {Function} That can prepare a response and execute the callback
    BaseApiController.prototype.handleDelete = function(cb) {
        var self = this;
        return function(err, obj) {
            if (util.isError(err)) {
                return cb(err);
            else if (util.isNullOrUndefined(obj)) {
                return self.reqHandler.serve404();

                content: '',
                code: 204

     * Calls back to the request handler with an error representing a 404 not
     * found
     * @method notFound
    BaseApiController.prototype.notFound = function(cb) {
        cb(BaseObjectService.notFound('NOT FOUND'));

    return BaseApiController;