API Docs for: 0.8.0

File: include/system/server_registration.js

    Copyright (C) 2016  PencilBlue, LLC

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
'use strict';

var cluster = require('cluster');
var os      = require('os');
var domain  = require('domain');
var async   = require('async');
var util    = require('../util.js');

module.exports = function ServerRegistrationModule(pb) {

     * Singleton instance
     * @private
     * @static
     * @property INSTANCE
     * @type {ServerRegistration}
    var INSTANCE = null;

     * Service that provides the ability for the process/node to register itself so
     * that other nodes in the system can find it.  In addition, it helps with the
     * health monitoring of the system.
     * @class ServerRegistration
     * @constructor
    function ServerRegistration(provider){
        if (!provider) {
            throw new Error('RegistrationProvider instance is required');
        this.provider = provider;
        this.timerHandle = null;

     * The default set of functions that gather the default set of information.
     * @private
     * @property ITEM_CALLBACKS
     * @type {Object}
    var ITEM_CALLBACKS = {

        //ip address
        ip: function(cb) {
            cb(null, ServerRegistration.getIp());

        is_master: function(cb) {
            cb(null, cluster.isMaster);

        process_type: function(cb) {
            cb(null, cluster.worker ? 'Worker' : 'Master');

        worker_id: function(cb) {
            cb(null, cluster.worker ? cluster.worker.id : 'M');

        port: function(cb) {
            cb(null, pb.config.sitePort);

        host: function(cb) {
            cb(null, os.hostname());

        pid: function(cb) {
            cb(null, process.pid);

        node_version: function(cb) {
            cb(null, process.version);

        active_plugins: function(cb) {
            var pluginService = new pb.PluginService();
            cb(null, pluginService.getAllActivePluginNames());

        uptime: function(cb) {
            cb(null, process.uptime());

        mem_usage: function(cb) {
            cb(null, process.memoryUsage());

        cwd: function(cb) {
            cb(null, process.cwd());

        type: function(cb) {
            cb(null, 'pencilblue');

        pb_version: function(cb) {
            cb(null, pb.config.version);

        update_interval: function(cb) {
            cb(null, pb.config.registry.update_interval);

     * Retrieves the most recent status from the entire cluster.
     * @method getClusterStatus
     * @param {Function} cb A callback that provides two parameters: cb(Error, Array)
    ServerRegistration.prototype.getClusterStatus = function(cb) {

     * Removes all entries from the server registry
     * @static
     * @method flush
     * @param {Function} cb A callback that provides two parameters: cb(Error, [RESULT])
    ServerRegistration.prototype.flush = function(cb) {

     * Should only be called once at startup.  The function verifies that the
     * registry is enabled and initializes the correct storage provider.
     * @static
     * @method init
     * @param {Function} cb A callback that provides two parameters: cb(Error, [RESULT])
    ServerRegistration.prototype.init = function(cb) {
        if (!pb.config.registry.enabled) {
             return cb(null, false);
         else if (this.timerHandle !== null) {
             return cb(null, true);

         //initialize the provider
        var self = this;
        this.provider.init(function(err, result) {
            if (util.isError(err) || !result) {
                return cb(err, false);

            //do first update and schedule the rest
            self.timerHandle = setInterval(function() {
            }, pb.config.registry.update_interval);

            cb(err, true);

     * Called during shutdown.  The function is responsible for clearing any
     * scheduled updates and shutting down the storage provider.
     * @static
     * @method shutdown
     * @param {Function} cb A callback that provides two parameters: cb(Error, [RESULT])
    ServerRegistration.prototype.shutdown = function(cb) {
        cb = cb || util.cb;

        if (!this.timerHandle) {
            return cb(null, true);

        this.provider.shutdown(ServerRegistration.generateKey(), cb);

     * Registers a function to be called on every status update.  The function
     * should take one parameter: a callback function that accepts two parameters,
     * the first being an error if it occurred and the second being the current
     * value for the information requested.
     * @static
     * @method addItem
     * @param {String} name The name and/or description of the information being
     * gathered
     * @param {Function} The function to be called to gather the data.
     * @return {Boolean} TRUE if the function is successfully registered, FALSE if not.
    ServerRegistration.addItem = function(name, itemValueFunction) {
         if (!pb.validation.isNonEmptyStr(name, true) || !util.isFunction(itemValueFunction)) {
             return false;

         ITEM_CALLBACKS[name] = itemValueFunction;
         return true;

     * Performs the request for information and persists it through the storage
     * provider.
     * @static
     * @method doRegistration
     * @param {Function} [cb] A callback that provides two parameters: cb(Error, [RESULT])
    ServerRegistration.prototype.doRegistration = function(cb) {
        cb = cb || util.cb;

        //ensure a provider was instantiated.
        //Server registration could be turned off.
        if (!this.provider) {
            return cb(null, false);

        //create a function to execute when all items have been retrieved
        var self = this;
        var onItemsGathered = function(err, update) {
            if (util.isError(err)) {
                pb.log.error("ServerRegistration: Failed to gather all data for registration: %s", err.message);
            else if (!util.isObject(update)) {
                return cb(err, false);

            //perform the registration update
            update.id          = ServerRegistration.generateKey();
            update.last_update = new Date();
            self.provider.set(update.id, update, function(err, result) {
                ServerRegistration.logUpdateResult(update.id, update, err, result);
                cb(err, result);

         var d = domain.create();
         d.on('error', function(err) {
            pb.log.error('ServerRegistration: Failed to perform update: %s', err.stack);
         d.run(function() {
             async.parallel(ITEM_CALLBACKS, onItemsGathered);

     * @static
     * @method logUpdateResult
     * @param {String} key
     * @param {Object} update
     * @param {Error} err
     * @param {Boolean} result
    ServerRegistration.logUpdateResult = function(key, update, err, result) {
        if (pb.config.registry.logging_enabled) {
            if (pb.log.isDebug()) {
                pb.log.debug("ServerRegistration: Attempted to update registration. KEY=[%s] Result=[%s] ERROR=[%s]", key, util.inspect(result), err ? err.message : 'NONE');
            if (pb.log.isSilly()) {
                pb.log.silly("ServerRegistration: Last Update\n%s", util.inspect(update));

     * Generates the unique key for the PB process/node.
     * @static
     * @method generateKey
     * @return {String} The unique identifier
    ServerRegistration.generateKey = function() {
        return ServerRegistration.getIp() + ':' + pb.config.sitePort + ':' + (cluster.worker ? cluster.worker.id : 'M') + ':' + os.hostname();

     * Retrieves a unique key for the server but not for the process
     * @static
     * @method generateServerKey
     * @return {String} server key
    ServerRegistration.generateServerKey = function() {
        return ServerRegistration.getIp() + ':' + pb.config.sitePort + ':' + os.hostname();

     * Retrieves the first IP address found for the node.
     * @static
     * @method getIp
     * @return {String} The first IP address found for the node
    ServerRegistration.getIp = function() {
         var interfaces = os.networkInterfaces();
         var address = null;
         for (var k in interfaces) {
             for (var k2 in interfaces[k]) {
                 var addr = interfaces[k][k2];
                 if (addr.family === 'IPv4' && !addr.internal) {
                     address = addr.address;
         return address;

     * Retrieves the singleton instance of the service registry
     * @static
     * @method getInstance
     * @param {RegistrationProvider} [provider]
     * @return {ServerRegistration}
    ServerRegistration.getInstance = function(provider) {
        if (INSTANCE) {
            return INSTANCE;

        //create a provider if not provided
        if (!provider) {

            var RegistrationProvider = null;
            if (pb.config.registry.type === 'redis') {
                RegistrationProvider = pb.RedisRegistrationProvider;
            else if (pb.config.registry.type === 'mongo') {
                RegistrationProvider = pb.MongoRegistrationProvider;
            else {
                RegistrationProvider = require(pb.config.registry.type)(pb);
            provider = new RegistrationProvider();

        return (INSTANCE = new ServerRegistration(provider));

    return ServerRegistration;