API Docs for: 0.8.0

File: controllers/base_controller.js

    Copyright (C) 2016  PencilBlue, LLC

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
'use strict';

var url  = require('url');
var util = require('../include/util.js');

module.exports = function BaseControllerModule(pb) {

    // pb dependancies
    var SiteService = pb.SiteService;

     * The base controller provides functions for the majority of
     * the heavy lifing for a controller. It accepts and provides access to
     * extending controllers for items such as the request, response, session, etc.
     * @class BaseController
     * @constructor
    function BaseController(){}

     * The code for a successful API call
     * @static
     * @property API_SUCCESS
     * @type {Integer}
    BaseController.API_SUCCESS = 0;

     * The code for a failed API call
     * @static
     * @property API_FAILURE
     * @type {Integer}
    BaseController.API_FAILURE = 1;

     * The snippet of JS code that will ensure that a form is refilled with values
     * from the post
     * @static
     * @private
     * @property FORM_REFILL_PATTERN
     * @type {String}
    var FORM_REFILL_PATTERN = 'if(typeof refillForm !== "undefined") {' + "\n" +
        '$(document).ready(function(){'+ "\n" +

     * The snippet of HTML that will display an alert box
     * @static
     * @private
     * @property ALERT_PATTERN
     * @type {String}
    var ALERT_PATTERN = '<div class="alert %s error_success">%s<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button></div>';

     * A mapping that converts the HTTP standard for content-type encoding and
     * what the Buffer prototype expects
     * @static
     * @private
     * @readonly
     * @property ENCODING_MAPPING
     * @type {Object}
    var ENCODING_MAPPING = Object.freeze({
        'UTF-8': 'utf8',
        'US-ASCII': 'ascii',
        'UTF-16LE': 'utf16le'

     * Responsible for initializing a controller.  Properties from the
     * RequestHandler are passed down so that the controller has complete access to
     * a variety of request specified properties.  By default the function transfers the options over to instance variables that can be access during rendering.  In addition, the function sets up the template service along with a set of local flags:
     * <ul>
     * <li>locale - The selected locale for the request (NOTE: this may not match the requested language if not supported)</li>
     * <li>error_success - An alert box if one was registered by the controller</li>
     * <li>page_name - The title of the page</li>
     * <li>localization_script - Includes the localization script so that it can be used client side</li>
     * <li>analytics - Inserts the necessary javascript for analytics providers</li>
     * </ul>
     * @method init
     * @param {Object} props The properties needed to initialize the controller
     *  @param {RequestHandler} props.request_handler
     *  @param {Request} props.request The incoming request
     *  @param {Response} props.response The outgoing response
     *  @param {Object} props.session The session object
     *  @param {Localization} props.localization_service The localization service instance for the request
     *  @param {Object} props.path_vars The path variables associated with the URL for the request
     *  @param {Object} props.query The query string variables associated with the URL for the request
     *  @param {Function} cb A callback that takes a single optional argument: cb(Error)
    BaseController.prototype.init = function(props, cb) {
        var self = this;

         * The instance of the request handler that processed the request
         * @property reqHandler
         * @type {RequestHandler}
        this.reqHandler = props.request_handler;

         * The current request object
         * @property req
         * @type {Request}
        this.req = props.request;

         * The current response object
         * @property res
         * @type {Response}
        this.res = props.response;

         * The session object that represents the calling entity
         * @property session
         * @type {object}
        this.session = props.session;

         * The deserialized body of the request.  This field is only ever populted if the executing route specifies the
         * "request_body" attribute and provides valid MIME types that map to a registered body parser
         * @property body
         * @type {object|null}
        this.body = props.body;

         * @deprecated Use this.ls
         * @property localizationService
         * @type {Localization}
        this.localizationService = props.localization_service;

         * @property ls
         * @type {Localization}
        this.ls = props.localization_service;

         * The hash of key/value pairs that represent the variables passed in the route path
         * @property pathVars
         * @type {object}
        this.pathVars = props.pathVars;

         * The hash of key/value pairs that represent the variables passed as query string parameters
         * @property query
         * @type {object}
        this.query = props.query;

         * The title of the view to be rendered, if there is a view
         * @property pageName
         * @type {string}
        this.pageName            = '';
        this.siteObj             = props.siteObj;
        this.site                = props.site;
        this.siteName            = props.siteName;
        this.hostname            = SiteService.getHostWithProtocol(self.siteObj.hostname) || pb.config.siteRoot;

         * The referring URL
         * @deprecated
         * @property referer
         * @type {string}
        this.referer = this.req.headers.referer;

         * @property ts
         * @type {TemplateService}
        this.ts = this.getTemplateServiceInstance(props);

         * @property activeTheme
         * @type {String}
        this.activeTheme = props.activeTheme;

        //build out a base service context that can be cloned and passed to any
        //service objects
         * @property context
         * @type {{req: Request, session: object, ls: Localization, ts: TemplateService, site: string, hostname: string, activeTheme: string, onlyThisSite: boolean, siteObj: object}}
        this.context = {
            req: this.req,
            session: this.session,
            ls: this.ls,
            ts: this.ts,
            site: this.site,
            hostname: this.hostname,
            activeTheme: this.activeTheme,
            onlyThisSite: true,
            siteObj: this.siteObj

        //call the initSync function


     * Provides a synchronous function means to initialize a controller.  It is
     * meant to be called from the "init" function called by the request handler.
     * @method initSync
     * @param {Object} context See "init" for more details on properties
    BaseController.prototype.initSync = function(/*context*/) {};

     * Creates a TemplateService instance
     * @method getTemplateServiceInstance
     * @param {Object} props
     * @return {TemplateService}
    BaseController.prototype.getTemplateServiceInstance = function(props) {
        var self = this;

        //create options
        var tsOpts = {
            ls: this.ls,
            activeTheme: props.activeTheme,
            site: this.site

        //create instance
        var ts = new pb.TemplateService(tsOpts);

        //configure for common flags
        var model = {

            meta_lang: this.ls.language,

            error_success: function(flag, cb) {
                self.displayErrorOrSuccessCallback(flag, cb);

            page_name: function(flag, cb) {
                cb(null, self.getPageName());

            localization_script: function(flag, cb) {
                self.requiresClientLocalizationCallback(flag, cb);

            analytics: function(flag, cb) {
                pb.AnalyticsManager.onPageRender(self.req, self.session, self.ls, cb);

            wysiwyg: function(flag, cb) {
                var wysiwygId = util.uniqueId();

                self.ts.registerLocal('wys_id', wysiwygId);
                self.ts.load('admin/elements/wysiwyg', function(err, data) {
                    cb(err, new pb.TemplateValue(data, false));

            site_root: self.hostname,
            site_name: self.siteName,

            localized_alternate: function(flag, cb) {
                self.onLocalizedAlternateFlagFound(props.routeLocalized, cb);
        return ts;

     * @method onLocalizedAlternateFlagFound
     * @param {Boolean} routeLocalized
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseController.prototype.onLocalizedAlternateFlagFound = function(routeLocalized, cb) {
        if (!routeLocalized) {
            return cb(null, '');

        var val = '';
        var self = this;
        Object.keys(this.siteObj.supportedLocales).forEach(function(locale) {
            var path = self.req.url;
            var isLocalizedPath = !!self.pathVars.locale && path.indexOf(self.pathVars.locale) >= 0;
            if (self.ls.language === locale && !isLocalizedPath) {
                //skip current language.  We don't need to list it as an alternate
            var relationship = self.ls.language === locale ? 'canonical' : 'alternate';

            var urlOpts = {
                hostname: self.hostname,
                locale: undefined
            if (self.ls.language === locale) {
                path = path.replace(locale + '/', '').replace(locale, '');
            else if (isLocalizedPath) {
                path = path.replace(self.pathVars.locale, locale);
            else {
                urlOpts.locale = locale;
            var url = pb.UrlService.createSystemUrl(path, urlOpts);
            val += '<link rel="' + relationship + '" hreflang="' + locale + '" href="' + url + '" />\n';
        cb(null, new pb.TemplateValue(val, false));

     * Retrieves a context object that contains the necessary information for
     * service prototypes
     * @method getServiceContext
     * @return {Object}
    BaseController.prototype.getServiceContext = function(){
        return util.merge(this.context, {});

     * @method requiresClientLocalization
     * @return {Boolean}
    BaseController.prototype.requiresClientLocalization = function() {
        return true;

     * @method requiresClientLocalizationCallback
     * @param {String} flag
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseController.prototype.requiresClientLocalizationCallback = function(flag, cb) {
        var val = '';
        if (this.requiresClientLocalization()) {
            val = pb.ClientJs.includeJS('/api/localization/script');
        cb(null, new pb.TemplateValue(val, false));

     * @method formError
     * @param {String} message The error message to be displayed
     * @param {String} redirectLocation
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseController.prototype.formError = function(message, redirectLocation, cb) {

        this.session.error = message;
        var uri = pb.UrlService.createSystemUrl(redirectLocation, { hostname: this.hostname });

     * @method displayErrorOrSuccessCallback
     * @param {String} flag
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseController.prototype.displayErrorOrSuccessCallback = function(flag, cb) {
        if(this.session.error) {
            var error = this.session.error;
            delete this.session.error;
            cb(null, new pb.TemplateValue(util.format(ALERT_PATTERN, 'alert-danger', this.ls.get(error)), false));
        else if(this.session.success) {
            var success = this.session.success;
            delete this.session.success;
            cb(null, new pb.TemplateValue(util.format(ALERT_PATTERN, 'alert-success', this.ls.get(success)), false));
        else {
            cb(null, '');

     * Provides a page title.  This is picked up by the template engine when the
     * ^page_name^ key is found in a template.
     * @method getPageName
     * @return {String} The page title
    BaseController.prototype.getPageName = function() {
        return this.pageName;

     * Sets the page title
     * @method setPageName
     * @param {String} pageName The desired page title
    BaseController.prototype.setPageName = function(pageName) {
        this.pageName = pageName;

     * @method getPostParams
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseController.prototype.getPostParams = function(cb) {
        var self = this;

        this.getPostData(function(err, raw){
            //Handle error
            if (util.isError(err)) {
                pb.log.error("BaseController.getPostParams encountered an error. ERROR[%s]", err.stack);
                return cb(err, null);

            //lookup encoding
            var encoding = pb.BaseBodyParser.getContentEncoding(self.req);
            encoding = ENCODING_MAPPING[encoding] ? ENCODING_MAPPING[encoding] : 'utf8';

            //convert to string
            var postParams = url.parse('?' + raw.toString(encoding), true).query;

            //In Node v6 a breaking change was introduced into the "querystring" module to prevent reserved words from
            // being passed in as query string parameters and overriding prototype functions.
            // This fix allows for users to continue on with V6 until another viable option comes along
            postParams.hawOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;

            cb(null, postParams);

     * Parses the incoming payload of a request as JSON formatted data.
     * @deprecated Since 0.8.0.  Will be removed in v1.0
     * @method getJSONPostParams
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseController.prototype.getJSONPostParams = function(cb) {
        var self = this;

        this.getPostData(function(err, raw){
            //Handle error
            if (util.isError(err)) {
                pb.log.error("BaseController.getJSONPostParams encountered an error. ERROR[%s]", err.stack);
                return cb(err, null);

            //lookup encoding
            var encoding = pb.BaseBodyParser.getContentEncoding(self.req);
            encoding = ENCODING_MAPPING[encoding] ? ENCODING_MAPPING[encoding] : 'utf8';

            var error      = null;
            var postParams = null;
            try {
                postParams = JSON.parse(raw.toString(encoding));
            catch(err) {
                error = err;
            cb(error, postParams);

     * @method getPostData
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseController.prototype.getPostData = function(cb) {
        var buffers     = [];
        var totalLength = 0;

        this.req.on('data', function (data) {
            totalLength += data.length;

            // 1e6 === 1 * Math.pow(10, 6) === 1 * 1000000 ~~~ 1MB
            if (totalLength > 1e6) {
                var err = new Error("POST limit reached! Maximum of 1MB.");
                err.code = 400;
                cb(err, null);
        this.req.on('end', function () {

            //create one big buffer.
            var body = Buffer.concat (buffers, totalLength);
            cb(null, body);

     * @method hasRequiredParams
     * @param {Object} queryObject
     * @param {Array} requiredParameters
    BaseController.prototype.hasRequiredParams = function(queryObject, requiredParameters) {

        for (var i = 0; i < requiredParameters.length; i++) {

            if (typeof queryObject[requiredParameters[i]] === 'undefined' || queryObject[requiredParameters[i]].length === 0) {
                return this.ls.g('generic.FORM_INCOMPLETE');

        if(queryObject.password && queryObject.confirm_password) {
            if(queryObject.password !== queryObject.confirm_password) {
                return this.ls.g('users.PASSWORD_MISMATCH');

        return null;

     * @method setFormFieldValues
     * @param {Object} post
    BaseController.prototype.setFormFieldValues = function(post) {
        this.session.fieldValues = post;
        return this.session;

     * @method checkForFormRefill
     * @param {String} result
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseController.prototype.checkForFormRefill = function(result, cb) {
        if(this.session.fieldValues) {
            var content    = util.format(FORM_REFILL_PATTERN, JSON.stringify(this.session.fieldValues));
            var formScript = pb.ClientJs.getJSTag(content);
            result         = result.concat(formScript);

            delete this.session.fieldValues;

        cb(null, result);

     * Sanitizes an object.  This function is handy for incoming post objects.  It
     * iterates over each field.  If the field is a string value it will be
     * sanitized based on the default sanitization rules
     * (BaseController.getDefaultSanitizationRules) or those provided by the call
     * to BaseController.getSanitizationRules.
     * @method sanitizeObject
     * @param {Object} obj
    BaseController.prototype.sanitizeObject = function(obj) {
        if (!util.isObject(obj)) {
            pb.log.warn("BaseController.sanitizeObject was not passed an object.");

        var rules = this.getSanitizationRules();
        Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(prop) {
            if (util.isString(obj[prop])) {

                var config = rules[prop];
                obj[prop] = pb.BaseObjectService.sanitize(obj[prop], config);

     * @method getSanitizationRules
     * @return {Object}
    BaseController.prototype.getSanitizationRules = function() {
        return {};

     * The sanitization rules that apply to Pages and Articles
     * @deprecated Since 0.4.1
     * @static
     * @method getContentSanitizationRules
    BaseController.getContentSanitizationRules = function() {
        return pb.BaseObjectService.getContentSanitizationRules();

     * @deprecated Since 0.4.1
     * @static
     * @method getDefaultSanitizationRules
    BaseController.getDefaultSanitizationRules = function() {
        return pb.BaseObjectService.getDefaultSanitizationRules();

     * @deprecated Since 0.4.1
     * @static
     * @method sanitize
     * @param {String} value
     * @param {Object} [config]
    BaseController.sanitize = function(value, config) {
        return pb.BaseObjectService.sanitize(value, config);

     * Redirects a request to a different location
     * @method redirect
     * @param {String} location
     * @param {Function} cb
    BaseController.prototype.redirect = function(location, cb){

     * Generates an generic API response object
     * @static
     * @method apiResponse
     * @return {String} JSON
    BaseController.apiResponse = function(cd, msg, dta) {
        if(typeof msg === 'undefined') {
            switch(cd) {
                case BaseController.API_FAILURE:
                    msg = 'FAILURE';
                case BaseController.API_SUCCESS:
                    msg = 'SUCCESS';
                    msg = '';
        if(typeof dta === 'undefined') {
            dta = null;
        var response = {code: cd, message: msg, data: dta};
        return JSON.stringify(response);
    return BaseController;